Diy Veneer Pendant Lamp Tutorial

October 30, 2023
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1. Veneer. Mine is walnut veneer

2. Ikea HEMMA cord set .

3. Clothes pins.

4. White glue or UHU.

5. Gold spray paint & primer & Neon acrylic paint*

6. Scissors or cutter.

7. Bulb


Veneer Lamp DIY | Funkytime


  1. Cut your veneer in equal wide strips, mine are 10cm. //*I took two strips of veneer and primed and spray painted them gold with Edding spray. This is optional, although I liked to give the lamp a little extra something. (And since Edding asked me to try their sprays, I thought this was a perfect opportunity. To make the gold shine really nice, you need to absolutely use primer.)
  2. Take one strip of veneer and make a circle shape to the desired size you want your lamp to be. Place a small amount of glue and hold clothes pin.
  3. Take another strip of veneer, attach it to the first strip with glue and secure with clothes pin. Then form a circle and attach the end at another spot. Make some kind of overlap.
  4. Repeat step 2 over and over, until you have your desired ball shape.

Source:Fun Kyti

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